Recently I have realized what amazing friends I had growing up, especially in High-school, when my world seemed to be caving in (and now I see that it wasn't) God had me surrounded with the most amazing friends ever. They never gave up on me or on our friendships.
These past two years I have seen many people fade in and out of my life. This being because I have lived in 2 different homes, in two totally different area's of Charlotte, I have started and finished school and gone through 4 jobs, and found MANY new friends. But I haven't really found many of those amazing friends that are the ones that will stick with me through thick and thin. For a while I thought that there was something wrong with me for the longest time and wondered why I couldn't find those constant friends. But in crying out to God begging Him for true friends He has not only brought along a handful or amazing individuals but He has also, for the first time, brought to my attention just how blessed I was in High-school. I had the most amazing friends who followed hard after God and were true to me no matter how awful I was.
God has given me some really close friends that I get to work with. one girl I went to school with, my wonderful Hope who we have been through it all together Thick and veryyy THIN! I am so thankful for her because I can truly say that if it weren't for her I would not of stuck it out and be in North Carolina today ....and especially my roommate who I love beyond words and seriously couldn't live without! Along with my new friends here God has brought me closer to people from home that I was never close with before, and more than anyone my brother and I have become best friends and if you knew us when we were younger you would see how amazing this is! :)
So today, think about the friends in your life...tell them how much they mean to you! Remember how lucky you are to have them in your life!
Hey Kenz, you are loved and missed here! <3 I enjoy reading your blog. Hope to talk to you soon. xoxo